Saturday, March 14, 2015

Duller than dirt.

"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out" - Alfred Hitchcock

It's easy to allow your life to become dull. To get stuck in an endless routine of the same old things, day after day after day... You wake up, you go to school, you come home, you do homework, you eat, you shower, you sleep. Simple yet boring. 

Personally, I like routine. I like knowing what I am doing during the week but sometimes routine is not enough. Sometimes routines can cause you to feel trapped in your own life. 

Life becoms so predictable that we just wait for the week to end so the cycle can begin again.
We complain that it's only Tuesday but what are you waiting for? I am waiting for the week to end but then it starts all over again. That's what the rest of my life will be, waiting for the week to end.

Don't let your life be dull like a pile of dirt. Instead, be the flower that emerges from the dirt, standing tall and high for its entire lifespan.
Wake up to your life like a flower waking up from the dirt. Start now, start growing.

Love, Nicole Marie

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