Saturday, September 26, 2015

There Is Only One Tree Hill

Some people may say that a TV show is just a TV show, but to me, One Tree Hill was much more. I would probably name One Tree Hill as the most quotable TV show I have ever watched as well as the TV show with the best music.

Not only does the show have amazing storylines but the show has some of the best character development I have ever seen on television. Characters go through redemption, grief, depression, happiness and so many other emotions that make the characters seem real. Characters that you hate at first soon become characters that you love.

For me, I see a video, TV show or movie and connect with it. There are certain scenes that stand out to me - the filming, the lighting, the music, the acting, the script... or all of the above. These scenes give me hope that something magical does exist in the world. I think everyone can find this in something they are passionate about and for me, I found a lot of it in One Tree Hill. This show constantly re-inspires me to create magic for other people to believe in.

Out of the whole show I have two favourite scenes. The first one is when Peyton and her brother Derek are boxing. Peyton has been through so much in the first few seasons of the show and at this point she finally decides to fight back. I think this is an important scene because we all need to be reminded to fight back. No matter what has happened to you just keep fighting, like Peyton, and one day you will get your happy ending.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Soldier on.

"They say before you start a war, you better know what your fighting for." - The Cab

There are strong people who wake up everyday and enter the battlefield for the greater good of the world. They set aside their worries and fears and fight for who they are and what they believe in. They take strength from within themselves even when they think they don't have any strength left.

Sometimes life gets tough. And when life gets tough you have two options - to let it over take you and consume your every thought, or become tougher.

Some people have it rougher than others and I know that there are people out there that have problems worse than mine. But that doesn't mean your problems are any less real... any less serious. You have a right to get angry. You have a right to be sad. You have a right to feel any emotion towards things going on in your life because truthfully, no one else understands unless they have gone through it themselves. Things are tough now, but they will get better. You just have to soldier on.

Sometimes you need to strap up your boots, zip up your jacket, tie up your hair and fight. Fight for the life you once had or fight for the life you would like to have. Fight for the people you have lost or fight for the people you are going to gain. Fight for the past memories that bring you joy or fight for the future events that will bring you happiness.

Even the greatest of soldiers don't stay in combat forever.

Love, Nicole Marie


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Guidelines; Fashion

A lot of people have specific fashion inspirations. Whether that be a person or brand there is something that inspires them to dress a certain way. I guess I am not like most people because I don't really have any specific fashion inspirations nor would I say that I have a specific 'style'.

However, I do have a lot of different clothes that I fall in love with but am either not game enough or not rich enough to buy. Most of these can be found on my style board on my pinterest if you are interested in taking a look. It's funny because what I wear in real life couldn't be more opposite to what I pin but one day I wish to have my dream wardrobe.

Here are a few of my favourite outfits at the minute:

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Los Angeles; The City of Angels

Dad: Excuse me, I have a weird question.
Waitress: This is LA, nothing's weird.

Los Angeles is a magical place. It is a place where you can hike mountains to reach breathtaking views whilst escaping the busy streets of California.

It is a place where happiness can come from the smallest of things such as meeting a celebrity. For me it was Nathan Fillion and Seamus Dever from Castle. These guys are the first real celebrities I have ever met and I couldn't be happier with my experience: