Sunday, October 25, 2015



We all need someone to lean on. We all need that support at some point in our lives and the only hope is that when you support someone they will support you back and be there for you when you need them. It's funny how in the toughest of times you realise who is a true friend. Sometimes you can be there for a person and they can't return the favour. There is no doubt that this hurts but it's okay. Everyone has their own lives and their own worries.

Being friends with someone is a funny concept. Even though both of you have your own lives, at the end of the day you are expected to be there for the other. Even if it takes dropping what you are doing at that moment and just listening. Sometimes it's important to put a person before other things in your life, otherwise you don't know what could happen to them. It is also important to look at things from both perspectives, a lot of the time if a person is making you feel a certain way, odds are that you do the same to them. I think in situations like this communication is important. However, when communication fails, it might be time to simply move on. 

For me, the people who have been supportive are not who I expected. People who I haven't know for long have proven to be the most understanding. People who I never expected to be supportive and understand, actually understand the most. And people who I expected to be there for me, aren't.

What I am now trying to make myself realise is that it's okay. Not everyone can be your knight in shining armour and as long as you have a few close people that you can lean on you'll be alright. At the end of the day, whatever 'down' stage of your life you are in, YOU need to be the one to get yourself out of it. People can help you as much as they can but before you decide that enough is enough, no one is really going to be able to help you.

As they say, quality over quantity. 

Love, Nicole Marie

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