Tuesday, October 20, 2015

We Are Who We Are

Recently I have been listening to 'We Are Who We Are' by Little Mix.
Yes, it's an old song.
Yes, they are coming out with new and amazing music.
But to me, the importance of the message in this song will never diminish.

The song talks about something that is so important to have within yourself and that is pride and acceptance of who you are. You are stuck with yourself forever so why not love yourself? There are so many amazing things about each and every human being that is individual to YOU. These are the things you should be most proud of and share with the world. I know, I know... it's easier said than done but it is worth a try!

While we are here... so much amazing new music is coming out! Little Mix, 5 Seconds Of Summer, One Direction and many more I'm sure. I would be lying if I said that didn't overwhelm me a little because thats twenty bucks an album to fork out all in the same time frame.

While on the topic of music, for an assignment for uni we had to create a blog (which personally I was very excited about). Anyway, our blog topic was music and I made posts like this on inspirational songs. I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to continue it on this blog. So, I will now be doing 'song reviews' on songs that mean something to me. Let's call it 'Music Mondays'. Hopefully this will allow you all to discover new and inspiring music that will make a difference in your life.

Love, Nicole Marie

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