Saturday, August 29, 2015

Internet Detox.

This post relates a bit back to my blackout post (if you are interested in reading it then here it is)

There comes a point where it is all too much. Constantly checking to see how many people have liked our photos or checking messenger to see if the person you are waiting on has been 'active' or 'read' your message. This can make a person go insane, I have felt it first hand. It can bring a constant feeling of worry or fear. It's like the phone that you hold in your own hands now represents the power of hundreds of people who could potentially hurt you.

I was watching The Princess Diaries recently and a quote was mentioned that applies to this situation:

'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent' - Eleanor Roosevelt 

In this day and age there are so many more ways that people can make you feel inferior; instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube, tumblr, personal messages etc. We are all so attached to our online presence that it now has the power to destroy people. In my opinion, this is too much power for any one thing.

When talking to someone in real life you can use all of your senses - sound, sight, touch, smell and taste (not that you would be tasting a conversation). This means you can see the emotion on their face and hear the lightness in their voice. Over text messages things can get easily misunderstood. People can assume the worst, read what you said in the wrong tone or think you are attacking them when you really aren't. Where does this constant need to reply to messages come from? Why can't we spend time alone without talking to someone numerous times a day? I don't know for sure the answers to these questions but I do know that it has created a reliance on other people's opinions and this isn't necessarily a good thing.

When you think about it, whose instagram really represents their lives? Just because you post a lot of pictures with your girl friends, doesn't mean you don't know any guys. Or just because you always post pictures with the same person, doesn't mean you don't have any other friends. Or just because you hardly ever post anything at all it definitely doesn't mean you don't have a life. Your profiles online are anything you want them to be. It is all an illusion.

As Roosevelt said, they can't make you feel that way without you allowing it yourself. You can not check that message that you know will make you feel bad about yourself. Or you can not look at other peoples pages to see what they have and what you don't. You don't have to scroll through comments in a self destructive mission to find hate. All of these things are choices.

We have become so addicted to the internet that it takes all the self control in our bodies to keep from doing these things. So I am proposing an internet detox. Now I am not talking no internet completely. Don't constantly check to see if someone has replied or seen your message, don't keep refreshing when you post a photo to check how many likes you have, turn your phone off before bed etc. All of these little things can make you feel a lot better, not only about yourself but about the other people in your life.

So here I go on a little internet detox.
Let me know if you decide to do it too :)

Love, Nicole Marie

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