Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Resolutions 2016

2016 is here! I am ready to welcome the new year with open arms and a fresh start. I did a video on my new years resolutions so I thought I would put the video into words and explain my resolutions more thoroughly.

1. Exercise more

Now I know this is the most generic new years resolution you can possibly have. Everyone says that they want to start working out and get fit for the new year. For me, it's more about restoring my old exercise schedule from the beginning of 2015 that made me feel healthy and happy. I used to have a weekly schedule for exercise and somewhere along the track I lost it. In the new year my goal is to regain this exercise schedule.

2. Start and keep a journal

Apparently, keeping a journal is very good for you. There is something therapeutic about getting all your emotions and troubles down on the page. Someone very wise gave me the advice to start the ritual of journal writing and I decided to take up that challenge. Of course, starting off writing everyday is ridiculously difficult and there is slim to no chance of me achieving that. Instead, I aim to write in my journal once a month (at first!).

3. Have more self control on social media

When I say this I mean in constantly being online. It is not healthy to 'stalk' people who you are no longer friends with or people who have hurt you in the past just because you are desperate for an update of their life (trust me, I've done this too much). I've come to realise that the most important people will know what is going on with you WITHOUT the assistance of social media. I think more blackout nights in 2016 are in order.

4. Read more books

Now I am very proud of myself for the amount of books I read in 2015. I didn't read many books at all (or as compared to some people) but for me, it was a big achievement. I used to HATE reading with a passion and over the last few years hate has turned into love. So, for 2016, I aim to read more books than I did in 2015.

5. Get into a regular sleeping pattern

I've noticed that when I go to bed around the same time and wake up around the same time, I generally feel healthier and happier. Somewhere around the middle of 2015 my sleeping pattern went from scheduled to whenever! The change definitely made it harder for me to fall asleep and make me feel tired more often. In the new year I would love to regain the sleeping pattern I once had.

6. Say yes more

Towards the end of 2015 I started getting these weird, spontaneous lapse in judgement that lead me to saying yes to a lot more things that I normally wouldn't have. Most of these times I have said yes have lead to great memories or just simply the reassurance that I can do it. I think it's important to start saying yes to more things more often, that way you gain more life experience and hopefully lifelong memories.

7. Start a self defence class

For my whole life I have wished that I started some sort of self defence (like Karate) when I was younger. It would certainly make me feel safer being by myself if I knew that I could protect  myself. After years and years of wanting to start, I hope 2016 will be the year that I actually do it.

8. Get a job that I enjoy

This one is kind of more specific than it sounds. Right now I work in a cafe and although I don't hate it, I also don't see  myself being able to do it for much longer. It would be a dream come true if one day I could follow my passion for youtube into something that becomes a job. I mean doesn't everyone dream of getting paid to do something they love?

9. Be organised

In 2016 I am going to do my very best to stay organised for the whole year. That means writing down university assessments, studying well before exams, finishing assignments early and being prepared for class. For youtube, that means posting weekly videos consistently all year. For my blog, that means posting at least once a month (a small goal I know, but I am trying to make youtube my number one priority for now).

10. Be happy

Cheesy, I know. But doesn't everyone just want to be happy? Well, I do. I am leaving the unhappiness of 2015 behind and taking a new, positive, happy approach into the new year.  2016 will be a wonderful and happy year, I'm sure of it.

Feel free to leave any of your new years resolutions in the comments! I would love to read them.
Happy new year to all my wonderful followers and I hope 2016 is the best year of your life <3

Love, Nicole Marie

Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Wishlist 2015

Every year I find myself creating a wish list for Christmas and my birthday. I never, ever get all of the things I have on the list (very rarely do I get any) which is okay because Christmas isn't just about presents. In saying that, I am always very curious as to what other people put on their lists so I thought I would share mine with you. It's almost like a little imaginary haul.

My Christmas Wishlist 2015:

Electronics -
  • Frends Headphones
  • Earphones
  • One year subscription to the 'Calm' app
Beauty -
  • Lush bath bombs - preferably the Christmas limited edition ones
  • Nars Illuminator in Copacabana 
  • Zoella Beauty - Mini fizz bar trio, bath bombinis bath fizzers, Soak opera, Tutti fruity bath fizz, fizz bar, body scrub
  • Rapidlash or Revitalash
  • Glasshouse Christmas candles (limited ones)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Top 10: Shows That Should Never Have Been Cancelled

There is nothing I hate more than becoming so emotionally invested in a show and the shows characters when suddenly, the show gets cancelled. Below is a list of my top 10 TV shows that, in my opinion, should NEVER have been cancelled. 

Eye Candy

Don't even get me started on how mad I was that this show ended. One season was not enough, especially with the ending it had. The show follows an internet hacker, Lindy, on her journey to find her sister who was abducted years ago. In the process, she gains herself a stalker/serial killer which leads her to work with the police on various cyber crime cases. Victoria Justice and Casey Jon Deidrick did an AMAZING job acting in this. Their on screen chemistry was flawless as well as a flawless performance from Ryan Cooper. I suspect that the only reason the show ended was the lack of rating that came from being a show on MTV. I don't think anyone expected the show to be as good as it was purely because of the network it was with. Out of everything on this list this was a clear #1 for me. It's never too late to make a comeback... MTV please! Bring back this show!

The Secret Circle


Despite the fact the the show appeared to be merely another supernatural show for teens, it was much more (even in its short airtime). The show followed a group of witches who found the final piece to complete their 'secret circle' when Cassie moves to town. The show proved to have intriguing story lines and loveable characters that I was able to form connections with. One season was definitely NOT enough. Even though it was only one season, I still recommend giving it a watch as it was a thrilling and exciting experience that I loved every minute of. Or maybe I loved it so much because of my love for Phoebe Tonkin... either way, it's a great show and should have had AT LEAST another season.


Again, don't get me started on how mad I was about this show ending. The show is about a group of detectives that focus on cases involving stalking. Each and every case is equally as fascinating and disturbing as the last, not to mention one of the best ongoing story lines I have ever seen. I must admit, the show was a little scary but that just added to the appeal. I have no clue as to why this show was cancelled but I know a lot of people would be upset by it. There was so much potential for this show to continue for seasons on end but unfortunately it was cut unreasonably short after the first season. CBS, why did you do this to me?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Book Review: Girl Online On Tour

I was so excited for the novel 'Girl Online On Tour' by Zoe Sugg to come out and I definitely was not disappointed with the result. The first novel was personally inspiring to me and Zoe definitely had big shoes to fill on the second book. Girl Online (the first novel) is a story of a girl called Penny who suffers from anxiety. Penny meets a famous rockstar and goes on Magical Mystery Day adventures while exploring her growing relationship with Noah. Their relationship is very cute and makes me smile from ear to ear. The second novel follows Penny on her journey around Europe with her rockstar boyfriend including all the ups and downs of life on tour. There are new characters, new places and new adventures to be explored! One of the things I love about both books is the travel. They travel to New York (one of my favourite cities) in the first novel and other countries around Europe in the second. Seeing as I have never been to Europe this was particularly exciting for me to read!

If you haven't read the first book I would 100% recommend it! It is an easy read so if you are looking for something to wind down before bed than the Girl Online series will be perfect for you. I would also recommend both books if you are suffering with any form of anxiety. There is so much comfort in these books for people with similar problems to know that you are not the only one. I am so proud of Zoe and all of team internet releasing books. The great thing about Girl Online is it is always able to re-inspire me.  Before reading it I was in somewhat of a slump; completely focused on studying and not feeling the slightest bit creative. Now that my exams are FINALLY over I am able to get this blog post up and hopefully many more in the weeks to come!

Let me know if you have/will read 'Girl Online' and 'Girl Online On Tour' in the comments!
I am also thinking of reviewing more books on my blog. I have become slightly obsessed with reading and buying books over the past two years so I thought it would be lovely to share more wonderful books with you in the future.

Love, Nicole Marie

Monday, October 26, 2015


Today's Music Mondays: Brave by Sara Bareilles

"Say what you want to say, and let the words fall out. Honestly, I want to see you be brave"

Although the song was originally written directed at coming out, this song can be applied to many situations in life. Whether that be telling a friend or family member a secret or just letting them know about something that is going on in your life. This song gave me the courage to finally speak my mind and tell someone something that I should have told them a long time ago. Actually, it gave me the courage to talk to a few people. The more you speak up, the easier it becomes. I was brave and I'm proud of that.

"Nothing's gonna hurt you the way the words do when they settle 'neath your skin"

Despite my short act of bravery the outcome was not expected. I expected everything to be okay after the truth was out but it was far from it. Things snowballed... and not in a good way. Although the majority of people will have positive reactions and become even more supportive, there will always be a few people who don't. I think in situations like this it is important to remember that you took the small act of bravery and that is an achievement enough.  If someone else can't accept it - that is on them, not you.

"You can be amazing, you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a gun"

It is also important to be aware of the fact that your words have the power to be hurtful. And you should not use your words as a weapon. Of course, we are all human and in the heat of the moment it is easy to say things you don't mean. But when this happens it is also where your true feelings are exposed. I believe that there is always some truth beneath the cruel things that people can say to you, that is the truth that THEY think about you. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is the truth. After all, most of the time people only see things from one perspective; their own.

Just remember that once things are said they cannot be taken back. Yes, it is good to tell the truth and yes, it is important to speak your mind but if you really care about someone, you shouldn't say things to purposely hurt them. Relationships are dangerous. These people who know you inside and out are the ones who know how to hit you where it hurts. Words have the power to destroy a life or the power to save one. So use your words for good. Be brave... speak up... and let your words change the world.

Love, Nicole Marie

Sunday, October 25, 2015



We all need someone to lean on. We all need that support at some point in our lives and the only hope is that when you support someone they will support you back and be there for you when you need them. It's funny how in the toughest of times you realise who is a true friend. Sometimes you can be there for a person and they can't return the favour. There is no doubt that this hurts but it's okay. Everyone has their own lives and their own worries.

Being friends with someone is a funny concept. Even though both of you have your own lives, at the end of the day you are expected to be there for the other. Even if it takes dropping what you are doing at that moment and just listening. Sometimes it's important to put a person before other things in your life, otherwise you don't know what could happen to them. It is also important to look at things from both perspectives, a lot of the time if a person is making you feel a certain way, odds are that you do the same to them. I think in situations like this communication is important. However, when communication fails, it might be time to simply move on. 

For me, the people who have been supportive are not who I expected. People who I haven't know for long have proven to be the most understanding. People who I never expected to be supportive and understand, actually understand the most. And people who I expected to be there for me, aren't.

What I am now trying to make myself realise is that it's okay. Not everyone can be your knight in shining armour and as long as you have a few close people that you can lean on you'll be alright. At the end of the day, whatever 'down' stage of your life you are in, YOU need to be the one to get yourself out of it. People can help you as much as they can but before you decide that enough is enough, no one is really going to be able to help you.

As they say, quality over quantity. 

Love, Nicole Marie

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Atlantis Hotel; The Bahamas

The Atlantis hotel.
Beachy, calm, tranquil, holiday in the sun. These are the words I associate with the island of the Bahamas and the breathtaking hotel that sits upon it. 

Between the private beaches and the private water park, the Atlantis hotel is a perfect location for a getaway (even if it is just a three day cruise from Miami like it was for me).

You may have already read my Florida post where I touched a little on the big step it was for me going on this cruise but in this post I am going to focus more on the island itself. The island that I have now named my honeymoon island (sorry future husband, it's already decided. We are going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon).

When arriving on this island we were met with streets of shopping filled with fine jewellery and make up brands. After spending most of the day wondering around the shops we finally made our way to the Atlantis hotel.

This hotel is home to an amazing water park which we unfortunately didn't have time to see BUT we did have time to explore the aquarium at the hotel filled with exotic sea creatures. I would 100% recommend adding this hotel to your bucket list! 

If you are interested in seeing some more of my time in the Bahamas then feel free to watch my Florida travel vlog :)

If you live in America I would recommend taking a short 3 day cruise out to the islands of the Bahamas, it really was the perfect getaway. 

Love, Nicole Marie

p.s. I know it has been a very long time since I actually went on this trip but I am doing a blog post on every state/city I went to! There are still a few more left so keep an eye out :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

We Are Who We Are

Recently I have been listening to 'We Are Who We Are' by Little Mix.
Yes, it's an old song.
Yes, they are coming out with new and amazing music.
But to me, the importance of the message in this song will never diminish.

The song talks about something that is so important to have within yourself and that is pride and acceptance of who you are. You are stuck with yourself forever so why not love yourself? There are so many amazing things about each and every human being that is individual to YOU. These are the things you should be most proud of and share with the world. I know, I know... it's easier said than done but it is worth a try!

While we are here... so much amazing new music is coming out! Little Mix, 5 Seconds Of Summer, One Direction and many more I'm sure. I would be lying if I said that didn't overwhelm me a little because thats twenty bucks an album to fork out all in the same time frame.

While on the topic of music, for an assignment for uni we had to create a blog (which personally I was very excited about). Anyway, our blog topic was music and I made posts like this on inspirational songs. I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to continue it on this blog. So, I will now be doing 'song reviews' on songs that mean something to me. Let's call it 'Music Mondays'. Hopefully this will allow you all to discover new and inspiring music that will make a difference in your life.

Love, Nicole Marie

Saturday, October 17, 2015

You Need To Be Cold To Be Queen; Blair Waldorf

I am in the middle of a very exciting Gossip Girl marathon. As of right now, I am watching the finale of season 3 and what I have realised during these first 3 seasons is that Blair Waldorf is the most inspirational character. Despite her obvious flaws (the scheming, blackmailing and bullying other people to get what she wants) I think she is a good person. She is loyal, loving and hard-working. These are three things that I am working towards improving in myself.

Blair doesn't let anyone step over her. She doesn't let anyone stand in the way of what she wants. She doesn't let the pressure of life get to her. And whenever something DOES get to her, she will bounce back every time. The resilience of Miss Waldorf is another thing that inspires me about her. Throughout all of the pain and hardships, Blair still ends up happy and successful.

The power of Blair Waldorf's forgiveness is amazing. No matter what mistakes others make - whether it be Serena sleeping with her boyfriend or Chuck trading her for a hotel -  she always has the ability to forgive and forget in time. Holding a grudge will never do you any good and although Blair can hold a grudge, she will always forgive the people who are most important in her life. And this is a very fine line to master. It's important to figure out who is there to stay and who is just passing through your life.

She carries herself with grace and poise. She dresses to impress. She speaks clearly and articulately. She is one classy lady, that's for sure. And right now, she is my biggest inspiration.

Blair Waldorf is my alter-ego. Whenever I need to remind myself to be strong, to be powerful, to let nobody stop me, I think WWBWD (what would Blair Waldorf do?).

I desperately need this cup to serve as a constant reminder:

Here are a few of my favourite Blair Waldorf quotes:

"You need to be cold to be queen"

"If you really want something, you don't stop for anyone or anything until you get it"

"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination" 

"You can't make people love you. But you can make them fear you"

"Feelings never make sense. They get you all confused. Then they drive you around for hours before they drop you off right back where you started" 

This is my second blog post in a row dedicated to the wonderful Blair Waldorf, if you haven't seen my last post it was on the fashion of Blair Waldorf, so check that out if you are interested!

And remember... WWBWD?

Love, Nicole Marie
(All images from my pinterest board)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Fashion of Blair Waldorf

"Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we'd like to be." - Blair Waldorf 

Blair Waldorf has impeccable fashion sense. Out of everyone on Gossip Girl I can easily say that Balir's style is my favourite. Her style could possibly be the classiest on the Upper East Side (even with her headbands).

In an ideal world, I would be able to dress like Blair everyday. But unfortunately money isn't on my side and for now I'll have to settle with admiring her style through pictures.

Here are a few of my favourite Blair Waldorf outfits (all images from my pinterest board):

I adore this dress. The cut is so flattering for her figure. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Weekend Getaway; Queensland

Recently I went on a little getaway with my mum and my sister to Queensland. It was honestly such a beautiful time and I couldn't be more thankful that I had the opportunity to go.

We flew into Brisbane, only spending a few hours in the city before starting on our hour drive to one of my sisters friends house. The whole reason we flew up to begin with was to celebrate her birthday and it was so lovely to spend a relaxing weekend with people I have known my whole life. We then drove just over an hour to the Gold Coast and stayed at the Hotel Grand Chancellor. I 100% would recommend this hotel. Fabulous location and fabulous rooms (even though there was no free wifi). We spent the next two days relaxing, eating, walking along the beach and doing a tiny bit of shopping. We also got tickets to the Russian ballet and saw 'Sleeping Beauty' which was beautiful and well worth the money. We had a night flight back to Sydney from the Gold Coast (the airport was so cute!). 

While being away for just four short days I was able to face my fears (some of them) and I am glad to say I have come out alive! I don't know why this trip was such a big deal for me, maybe it's because I'm at a rough stage in my life right now where I am just trying to work things out. But this trip WAS a big deal and I'm going to say that I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of how far I have come in those four days and how far I have potential to go in the future. 

There is a long road ahead, I know that for sure, but this trip has given me hope that I can get through it. Sometimes all we need is a few days to ourselves to think and decide what we really need in life. And I think I've decided.

Here are some photos from my trip, hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

5 Make-up Lessons Learnt The Hard Way

(By the way this photo was taken at my high school formal - it was the only time I have had my make up done by someone else and it was absolute favourite makeup I have ever had!)


Number 1 - Eyebrows are important

Now when I say eyebrows are important it is not just the shape. For me personally, the biggest eyebrow issue is the fact that my eyebrows are so light that in some photos it appears that there are none at all. This is why it is important to fill in your eyebrows, or at least use an eyebrow tint. It could save you from untagging yourself from eyebrow-less pictures on FaceBook.

Number 2 - Eyelash curlers DO work

When packing for my holiday I decided against bringing my chunky eyelash curler purely to save room. However, upon applying mascara on my lashes before a night out, I realised that my eyelashes are completely flat. Honestly, I never noticed this before because I always curled my lashes before applying mascara. If you have naturally curl-less lashes like mine, I would definitely recommend investing in an eyelash curler.

Number 3 - Don't forget the lips!

Also when packing for holiday I seemed to forget one of the most essential aspects that completes a make up look; lipstick. This left my lips to flaunt their natural pink I was born with. Now at first I thought this was a bad thing. I thought how can I go out with no colour on my lips? Well I have come to find that sometimes its refreshing. Sometimes a little bit of lip balm is all you need. (In saying that I would have gladly time travelled back to when I was packing and add in a lipstick).

Number 4 - Powder makes all the difference

I have always been a powder enthusiast. I think one of the most essential parts of any make up routine is locking in that foundation with a good translucent powder. For me, powder not only helps keep the foundation on my face for longer but also stops shine. Powder can definitely be powerful. 

Number 5 - Choose your foundation wisely

Speaking from experience foundation makes all the difference, not only to your appearance in person but on camera. The worse thing about foundation is having a colour that doesn't match the rest of your body. Unfortunately, this happens to the best of us (me included on numerous occasions). The only solution is to have different shades of foundation handy for the different times of year. Right now, I am still the lightest shade money can buy but hopefully (as we are going into summer) I can bump up a few shades.

Another foundation consideration is whether it has SPF. For a daytime foundation, this is great. For night time, not so much. In an instance when you know you will be photographed, it is far better to opt for a foundation without the SPF because this is what makes your face turn white as a ghost in photographs. 


I hope you enjoyed my little tips and tricks! In no way am I a make up expert, these are just a few things I thought I would share.

One final note: don't ever feel like you need to wear make up to be accepted. Wear make up because you have a genuine interest in the art, not because you feel pressure from society. You are beautiful just the way you are (without make up!).

Love, Nicole Marie

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Serendipity means a 'fortunate happenstance' or 'pleasant surprise'. To me, serendipity is a wonderful and intriguing word, possibly one of the most beautiful in the English language. Until recently I didn't know what serendipity meant. Yes, I have been to the dessert restaurant in New York but I was never curious enough to look into the meaning of the word.

I think that most of our lives are made up of serendipity. When you think about all of the amazing things that have happened to you, you didn't expect any of it. It was complete luck, or maybe fate, or maybe destiny. Or maybe it was a combination of all three.

I like to think that there is a plan for all of us. Yes, we get to make our own decisions but there is something bigger than us giving us signs, pointing us in the right direction so that one day we will be brought to a special someone who makes us whole. Now I'm not saying that we can't be whole on our own but doesn't everyone want to find that special companion to tackle the ups and downs of life with?

The movie Serendipity goes into the idea of fate and destiny a lot and I couldn't agree with it more. To me, the movie proved that if it's meant to happen, it will happen. It just takes time. Maybe you're not ready for a boyfriend right now or maybe you aren't ready for that job just yet. Whatever it may be in your life just remember that something good will come to you just when you stop looking for it. And that's serendipity.

Love, Nicole Marie

P.S. Serendipity is a great movie! I definitely recommend giving it a watch. I would rate it 9.5/10 :)


Saturday, September 26, 2015

There Is Only One Tree Hill

Some people may say that a TV show is just a TV show, but to me, One Tree Hill was much more. I would probably name One Tree Hill as the most quotable TV show I have ever watched as well as the TV show with the best music.

Not only does the show have amazing storylines but the show has some of the best character development I have ever seen on television. Characters go through redemption, grief, depression, happiness and so many other emotions that make the characters seem real. Characters that you hate at first soon become characters that you love.

For me, I see a video, TV show or movie and connect with it. There are certain scenes that stand out to me - the filming, the lighting, the music, the acting, the script... or all of the above. These scenes give me hope that something magical does exist in the world. I think everyone can find this in something they are passionate about and for me, I found a lot of it in One Tree Hill. This show constantly re-inspires me to create magic for other people to believe in.

Out of the whole show I have two favourite scenes. The first one is when Peyton and her brother Derek are boxing. Peyton has been through so much in the first few seasons of the show and at this point she finally decides to fight back. I think this is an important scene because we all need to be reminded to fight back. No matter what has happened to you just keep fighting, like Peyton, and one day you will get your happy ending.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Soldier on.

"They say before you start a war, you better know what your fighting for." - The Cab

There are strong people who wake up everyday and enter the battlefield for the greater good of the world. They set aside their worries and fears and fight for who they are and what they believe in. They take strength from within themselves even when they think they don't have any strength left.

Sometimes life gets tough. And when life gets tough you have two options - to let it over take you and consume your every thought, or become tougher.

Some people have it rougher than others and I know that there are people out there that have problems worse than mine. But that doesn't mean your problems are any less real... any less serious. You have a right to get angry. You have a right to be sad. You have a right to feel any emotion towards things going on in your life because truthfully, no one else understands unless they have gone through it themselves. Things are tough now, but they will get better. You just have to soldier on.

Sometimes you need to strap up your boots, zip up your jacket, tie up your hair and fight. Fight for the life you once had or fight for the life you would like to have. Fight for the people you have lost or fight for the people you are going to gain. Fight for the past memories that bring you joy or fight for the future events that will bring you happiness.

Even the greatest of soldiers don't stay in combat forever.

Love, Nicole Marie


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Guidelines; Fashion

A lot of people have specific fashion inspirations. Whether that be a person or brand there is something that inspires them to dress a certain way. I guess I am not like most people because I don't really have any specific fashion inspirations nor would I say that I have a specific 'style'.

However, I do have a lot of different clothes that I fall in love with but am either not game enough or not rich enough to buy. Most of these can be found on my style board on my pinterest if you are interested in taking a look. It's funny because what I wear in real life couldn't be more opposite to what I pin but one day I wish to have my dream wardrobe.

Here are a few of my favourite outfits at the minute:

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Los Angeles; The City of Angels

Dad: Excuse me, I have a weird question.
Waitress: This is LA, nothing's weird.

Los Angeles is a magical place. It is a place where you can hike mountains to reach breathtaking views whilst escaping the busy streets of California.

It is a place where happiness can come from the smallest of things such as meeting a celebrity. For me it was Nathan Fillion and Seamus Dever from Castle. These guys are the first real celebrities I have ever met and I couldn't be happier with my experience: 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Internet Detox.

This post relates a bit back to my blackout post (if you are interested in reading it then here it is)

There comes a point where it is all too much. Constantly checking to see how many people have liked our photos or checking messenger to see if the person you are waiting on has been 'active' or 'read' your message. This can make a person go insane, I have felt it first hand. It can bring a constant feeling of worry or fear. It's like the phone that you hold in your own hands now represents the power of hundreds of people who could potentially hurt you.

I was watching The Princess Diaries recently and a quote was mentioned that applies to this situation:

'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent' - Eleanor Roosevelt 

In this day and age there are so many more ways that people can make you feel inferior; instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube, tumblr, personal messages etc. We are all so attached to our online presence that it now has the power to destroy people. In my opinion, this is too much power for any one thing.

When talking to someone in real life you can use all of your senses - sound, sight, touch, smell and taste (not that you would be tasting a conversation). This means you can see the emotion on their face and hear the lightness in their voice. Over text messages things can get easily misunderstood. People can assume the worst, read what you said in the wrong tone or think you are attacking them when you really aren't. Where does this constant need to reply to messages come from? Why can't we spend time alone without talking to someone numerous times a day? I don't know for sure the answers to these questions but I do know that it has created a reliance on other people's opinions and this isn't necessarily a good thing.

When you think about it, whose instagram really represents their lives? Just because you post a lot of pictures with your girl friends, doesn't mean you don't know any guys. Or just because you always post pictures with the same person, doesn't mean you don't have any other friends. Or just because you hardly ever post anything at all it definitely doesn't mean you don't have a life. Your profiles online are anything you want them to be. It is all an illusion.

As Roosevelt said, they can't make you feel that way without you allowing it yourself. You can not check that message that you know will make you feel bad about yourself. Or you can not look at other peoples pages to see what they have and what you don't. You don't have to scroll through comments in a self destructive mission to find hate. All of these things are choices.

We have become so addicted to the internet that it takes all the self control in our bodies to keep from doing these things. So I am proposing an internet detox. Now I am not talking no internet completely. Don't constantly check to see if someone has replied or seen your message, don't keep refreshing when you post a photo to check how many likes you have, turn your phone off before bed etc. All of these little things can make you feel a lot better, not only about yourself but about the other people in your life.

So here I go on a little internet detox.
Let me know if you decide to do it too :)

Love, Nicole Marie

Saturday, August 22, 2015

New York; The Big Apple

'Take as much from the city as the city took from you' -Among Savages 

The iconic New York City is a complex yet amazing place. It is a city where you can get to most places you need to go by simply walking. It is a place where you can have the hustle and bustle of city life with some nature thrown in the mix, found in the serenity of Central Park. When I was in New York a few months ago, I was lucky enough to experience the beauty of Central Park covered in snow... Have a look for yourself:

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Best Of Me.

Don't worry! No spoilers :)

Nicholas Sparks is one talented man. And that is an understatement. He has the ability to move people to tears while making them feel something just through his words. Many of these words have been translated into film making the stories available to be shared on a whole other level.

I recently watched the movie The Best Of Me and I am absolutely in awe. The storyline, the script, the actors, the filming, the editing...the list goes on and on. Basically, to me it was a perfect film. It made me laugh, it made me cry and it made me question my own purpose in life.

Purpose is something I have talked about before and it is always something that will fascinate me. Why are we here? What are we meant to give to the world? These questions are two that are constantly in my mind. I have always believed that each and every human being has a purpose. Something bad might have to happen in order for something better to come of it. You may be going through a rough time but that is only to shape you into the person that you will become. And the person you will become will shape another person. And that person will shape another person. And another... and another. And who knows? Maybe one of you will be the one to change the world.

When you think about it we are all still alive, still breathing, for a reason. It is because we still have something left to give to the world. Someone else to shape.

This movie just confirmed everything that I always believed in. Purpose. Fate. Destiny. Everything happens for a reason and in the toughest of times we need to believe that.

I would highly recommend watching this movie if you haven't already - just make sure you have your tissues handy! It really is a tear jerker.

Love, Nicole Marie

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Florida; The Sunshine State

Now I know it has been a very long time since my American holiday but today I have found myself reminiscing on the good times I had on holiday.

Since I got home from my holiday at the beginning of the year, life has slapped me with reality and the harshness of the world has become clear. 

I believe travel makes you grow as a person and visiting Florida was no exception. We spent some time in Miami and during this time I came across many homeless people but one in particular caught my attention. There was one man who seemed young enough to be just a little older than me and yet he was sleeping on the side of a busy road, ignoring everyone that walked passed just like everyone walking past was ignoring him. My first instinct was to help him. So we went back to our hotel and gathered all our food and gave it to him. Small acts like this make me feel like I have done something good but then again, I feel like it is never enough. 

For me, Florida gave me a lot more than just that experience. I conquered some of my personal fears in Florida. I went on a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas which I was terrified for due to my proneness to motion sickness. Although I was sick for most of those 3 days, I look back on the experience and smile. I smile because I experienced life on the water and got to visit one of the most beautiful resorts ever built. This memory takes over the memory of feeling nausea and weakness for days straight. 

I also was faced with another fear of motion sickness when my family and I went to the alligator park and went on the airboat. Now in no way did I enjoy this experience but it will always be a reminder that I survived it. No matter how much I disliked riding through the wind at a fast pace in water full of alligators, I survived.  

We stayed at South beach in Miami and this brought me another new feeling. It made me relaxed and peaceful. Watching the waves crashing on the sandy shore during the day and walking the streets full of restaurants at night. I can only describe this wonderful feeling as 'being on holiday', and I constantly find myself craving this feeling. 

Here are some of my favourite photos taken while in Florida/Bahamas/Cruise, I hope you enjoy. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Brain.

Recently I posted a video with some small ways to change your life. Now I'm talking about changing your life for the better when it comes to your mental health.

So if you are feeling a little overwhelmed, anxious or stressed at the moment give this video a watch. You might find it helpful!

I always wonder why people find it so hard to accept help when it is their brain that needs it. Your brain is just another organ (a very important organ) and deserves the same attention as any other part of your body. If a doctor told you that you need heart surgery you wouldn't even blink before accepting the news and making an appointment. But when a doctor suggests you see a psychologist then the automatic response is 'no'.

I think this is because society has made mental illness something to be ashamed of. But in no way is that true and in actual fact, it takes the strongest of people to admit to needing help and it takes an even stronger person to accept help when it is given.

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Give it the attention it deserves.

Love, Nicole Marie

Thursday, July 30, 2015


"Hard times make you bitter or make you more compassionate" - Jewel

There are two types of elderly; the cute little old lady who pinches your cheeks and tells you how much you remind her of her grandkids OR the cranky old man who yells at you for getting in his way and being disrespectful to the elderly.

I have recently formulated a theory. The people who turn out to be sweet old married couples are those who lived a fulfilling life. They achieved what they wanted, they explored the world, they loved with all their heart and lived a life worth remembering. Whereas the cranky old people who make the world miserable for anyone who is younger than them are simply bitter. They are bitter with missed opportunities, wondering 'what if'.

I don't want to become bitter. I don't want to wonder 'what if...'. I don't want to resent people in my life for holding me back. I don't want to become the old lady who is rude to the waitress because she didn't make the coffee hot enough.

So how does one not become bitter with age?
Well, I have thought of a few things to help:
  • Don't regret the choices you make. If you learn something, it is worth it. 
  • Say 'yes' to more things, you never know how it might turn out. 
  • Don't be afraid of the future, no amount of anxiety can change it.
  • Remember what's important; friends & family, health & happiness.
Sometimes it's important to look at what you have and be thankful. To look at the few true friends you have, the family members in your life and the possessions you proudly own and simply be happy. It is when you take these basic things for granted that the bitterness has the capability to take over your life. 

So don't let it. 

Love, Nicole Marie

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Never be the same.

Song: Never Be The Same by Jessica Mauboy

We're all running this crazy race...

Life can be crazy sometimes, we have all felt it. Life can get so crazy that our desires can cloud our judgement. Our desire to win the race. But the question is, can the race really be won?

Never thinking about the hearts we break...

At some leg of the race we are bound to break some hearts but it is up to us whether we put them back together again. We can become so blinded by the will to win that there is no space left in our train of thought for the things that matter most.

And as our hope starts fading away...

There comes a point of realisation. A point where you realise the wrongs you have done and how the effect these actions that stay with you forever. A point where hope is lost, only becoming ever so difficult to find again.

Things are never gonna be the same.

All actions have consequences. We are forced to live with these consequences but the decision to be made is will this change everything for the worse or for the better? The choice is yours.

Love, Nicole Marie

Friday, June 19, 2015

Keep Cool.

"A man of calm is like a shady tree. People who need shelter come to it." -Rudolph Giuliani

Sometimes we find ourselves getting so caught up in a moment that our heart rate increases, our palms get sweaty and we feel the blood rush to our cheeks out of an emotion that has caught us off guard. This can happen in any situation for example serving a difficult customer at work, getting frustrated when you can't find something or even just getting flustered at the sight of a cute boy.

In these situations it is important to keep cool, calm and collected not just for the benefit for the other person but also for the benefit of yourself. You are the one who looks bad if you snap at the annoying customer, you are the one who looks bad when you are late because you couldn't find your keys and you are the one who looks bad when you do something embarrassing in front of your crush.

Here are a few tips to keep cool, calm and collected:
1. Look at the bigger picture; is this really important?
2. Remember, people are just people. They are nothing to be afraid of.
3. Think cool thoughts e.g. "nobody's perfect"(you can sing a little Hannah Montana here too)
4. Imagine the other person in their underwear trying to do something you are good at.

I, myself, am still trying to master these techniques. The difficulty of mastering controlling your emotions became apparent to me today when I almost lost it at several customers at work. I have now realised that in order to save my dignity, my job and my mental health I am going to have to work on staying cool, calm and collected even in the most frustrating situations. I'll let you know how it goes...

Love, Nicole Marie

Monday, April 20, 2015


"I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realise that you never really stop missing someone- you just learn how to live around the huge gaping hole of their existence" - Alyson Noel

Experiencing the loss of someone who is close to you is a terrible thing and shouldn't be wished upon anyone. There is so much death and pain in the world that even if you aren't religious, you have to find another way to look at it. Otherwise then why should we bother? Why are we here?

The way I see it, people die when they have given all they can to the world. You might be thinking how could an innocent child have given all they can already? In my view they have. Maybe that child has affected your life so much that you change the world. For example, someone dying of cancer could be the ignition one needs to find a cure for millions of other people. On a smaller scale, even if that person causes you to act differently and therefore changes your actions in other peoples lives, then that's enough. Life is a domino effect.

Although it's a terrible thought, one person dying for another to live, I think it is a beautiful way to look at someones life. That person has served a purpose. That person is loved. That person is important. 
No matter how old, how small, their occupation, location, wealth, status... people are people. They are all important and they all serve a purpose, no matter how big or small. And it is tragic when one is lost. 

When a person passes away, no matter how hard it seems to accept the thought that they won't be in the world anymore, you must go on. You must live with the remembrance of them and with the knowledge that their purpose in life has been fulfilled. It is painful to live in a world that they aren't. But life continues on, time keeps ticking and the world keeps spinning.

There is never an easy way to do it, to move on. I don't think anyone really ever 'moves on'. All we can do is pick ourselves up and keep going. Keep doing whatever it is you are meant to do, eventually things might start to seem normal again. But don't forget...

Celebrate their life.
Celebrate their achievements.
Celebrate their purpose, for it has been fulfilled. 

Love, Nicole Marie

Monday, April 13, 2015

Stop. Revive. Survive.

'The greatest thing you can give yourself is a little of your own attention' -Anthony J. D'Angelo

In Australia, there is a campaign to stop fatigue on the road. It's called, 'Stop. Revive. Servive.' This saying is widely know in Australia and aims to avoid car crashes and ultimately save peoples lives.

We can apply this to our every day lives. Sometimes we work too hard and we bite off more than we can chew. At this point you are driving alone, late at night and slowly moving a few kilometres above the speed limit. Eventually, your body starts telling you that it's had enough and needs a break. This can come in the form of a mental breakdown, getting sick or just feeling extremely tired. This is when your eyes start to close and the sweet escape of rest takes over your body. Let's call this the 'crash' point.

Once you have crashed, it comes time to face the consequences. In the most extreme cases, it is impossible to recover. This could be because of the damage to yourself or another person, both equally as tragic.

In order to minimise the casualties it is okay to stop (whatever it is that is so important that you are doing), revive (take a break or just some time to yourself) and survive.

Love, Nicole Marie

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Actions define priorities.

'Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions' - Dallin H. Oaks

I was reading my business text book and came across an interesting idea that applies to our everyday life. The textbook talks about how actions define priorities. It teaches us that to find out a businesses true intentions, look at its actions NOT simply its words. This will then reveal the 'real goals' of the business.

If you blind yourself to these actions, you would only be able to see the 'stated goals', this being what the business 'officially' states to the public. Without being able to see past this, you are sucked into deception by the business and allow yourself to be disappointed. 

Being able to determine someone's actions can carry a business to success, or in some cases, save yourself from heartache. It is similar to our own interactions with people. People can say what they are feeling or what you want to hear, but without looking at the actions behind their words it is impossible to see where their true priorities lie. Sadly, a lot of people can talk the talk but they can't walk the walk, thus exposing their true priorities that lie beyond their words.   

Life is a business. With everything we deal with in life can be seen as a business transaction. Maybe if we treat life like we would treat a business, we wouldn't get hurt. We can do this by making choices from our brain instead of our heart. So next time think about it, think about what their actions are behind their words. This reveals people's true priorities. Find people who don't just tell you that they care, find people who will show you.

Love, Nicole Marie

Friday, April 3, 2015


'No one is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.' - Popcherry

It is necessary to create priorities. To make that list in your head placing things of higher importance over other aspects of your life. For example, watching the new episode of pretty little liars takes priority over tonight's homework.

It is possible that priorities can be flawed. As humans, we are guilty of placing some things in the wrong order, simply due to selfishness or maybe lack of self control. The harsh truth of life is that people prioritise other people. Most people put their family or themselves first, placing friends lower on the list. This is completely understandable however it is when people are discluded from the list that relationships start to breakdown.

Sometimes the reality is that people will put other things above you. They will get so caught up in their busy lives that something needs to give and unfortunately that may be you. You will get bumped down a few places on their priority list but hopefully you will still be on it. Being at the bottom of someone's priority could possibly be worse than being completely off it. All relationships take an equal amount of effort from both people. If you place someone higher on your priority list than they do for you then disappointment is unavoidable. All you can do is reevaluate your own list.

Love, Nicole Marie


'Some people care too much, I think it's called love' Winnie the Pooh

There are some qualities that are initially seen as an asset to your personality. Like anything, it can quickly become a weakness if used too much. For example alcohol. Many people become addicted to the substance. They crave it everywhere they go, they feel it even when it isn't there and it is always consuming their thoughts to a stage when it is all they can think about.

We all have to balance our inner qualities for without this balance you are sucked into an addiction that is hard to escape from. For me this asset that has become a weakness is caring. Up until now I didn't think that there was such thing as caring too much, but now I see the truth. For me, there are certain people who I can't help but worry about, think about them, check up on them and generally make sure they are doing okay.

When these people don't return my concern it is heartbreaking. Some people can't give you the same amount of attention that you give them and that is life.

So is it possible to care to much? Is it possible that the most compassionate side of you can become your weakness? From my experience I am going to say yes. However we can't let the fear of rejection or the fear of getting hurt take away pieces of ourselves, even when we could be the ultimate cause of our own destruction. How you act speaks of your character. So keep these weaknesses for this compassion in your heart makes you, you. 

Love, Nicole Marie

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


"As time goes on you'll understand. What lasts, lasts; what doesn't, doesn't. Time solves most things. And what time can't solve,  you have to solve yourself." - Unknown

Time. Years. Months. Weeks. Days. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. Collectively, it makes up our lives. 

Time is one of the most powerful objects on earth. Time has the unique power of healing whether it be nursing a hangover, getting over a break up or simply getting over a crush. 

The hardest thing about time is waiting. Watching that clock tick second by second, time passing ever so slowly. Watching the toaster cook your bread or watching the kettle boil the water, both simple tasks but painfully slow when it is the only thing you are concentrating on. It is only when you want time to pass that it stops, seemingly standing frozen in your pain.

But don't forget, time keeps ticking.
We can always find comfort in the fact that whatever happens, time will always move on, even if you are finding it difficult to. Whenever I am having a rough time I remind myself, whatever happens, I will still be in my bed tonight by 11pm. 

We have all had moments when we thought we would never recover. Whether that be the death of a loved one, being rejected by someone you cared about or even being sick. Guess what? You have made it. Time has passed. Time has healed.

Love, Nicole Marie

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Duller than dirt.

"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out" - Alfred Hitchcock

It's easy to allow your life to become dull. To get stuck in an endless routine of the same old things, day after day after day... You wake up, you go to school, you come home, you do homework, you eat, you shower, you sleep. Simple yet boring. 

Personally, I like routine. I like knowing what I am doing during the week but sometimes routine is not enough. Sometimes routines can cause you to feel trapped in your own life. 

Life becoms so predictable that we just wait for the week to end so the cycle can begin again.
We complain that it's only Tuesday but what are you waiting for? I am waiting for the week to end but then it starts all over again. That's what the rest of my life will be, waiting for the week to end.

Don't let your life be dull like a pile of dirt. Instead, be the flower that emerges from the dirt, standing tall and high for its entire lifespan.
Wake up to your life like a flower waking up from the dirt. Start now, start growing.

Love, Nicole Marie

Thursday, March 12, 2015


'The next time you experience a blackout, take some solace by looking at the sky. You will not recognize it.' - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Most people hate blackouts. I love them. A blackout is a forced excuse for you to simply be alone. No sound. No lights. Nothing.

It was only when the flickering lights disappeared into darkness that I finally felt free. 
Free from expectations. Free from 'friends'. Free from the demons that bring negativity into my life. 

A blackout leaves you alone, in darkness, with only your own thoughts to occupy your mind. This can be a scary yet freeing experience. For me, my phone died within minutes of the power outage meaning I had no one to talk to, no one to message. I didn't have to stop myself from checking a message that could potentially hurt me. It was like the internet and the big bad world had disappeared. I felt safe.

Blackouts can open your eyes to a world without technology. Yes, technology has brought amazing opportunities BUT it has been taken advantage of. Some things that have happened to a lot of us may never have happened without social media. For this reason I think it is important to make your own blackouts. Set time aside to be away from the world, blacked out from the life you have created online.

Try it, you might be surprised with what you discover.

Love, Nicole Marie

Calm After The Storm.

"Rain came pouring down when I was drowning. That's when I could finally breathe." - Taylor Swift

I used to hate storms. I feared them. I feared the possibility of getting struck by lightning or the possibility of losing power. There is a lot of things to fear about a storm but it is only when you appreciate the beauty of it that the fear disappears.

Last night there was a storm. A short lived storm but one of the most brutal that I have ever seen (and I live in Sydney so the storms here aren't that bad). The rain came first, sort of like the entree to a three course meal, small but just enough to keep you waiting for the main event. After the entree comes the main course, the biggest and most filling part of the meal. This is the lightning flashing through the windows of your bedroom, causing loud claps of thunder to vibrate through the whole house. That feeling that once scared me, now excites me.

Once the main meal had been served it's time for everyones favourite part, dessert. To me, this is the cleanliness felt after the storm has passed. People talk about the 'calm before the storm' but I think it's the opposite way around. There is peace and stillness AFTER the storm. The smell of rain in the air, the cool breeze, the darkness of the night... it is all so peaceful, so...clean.

I have been struggling lately. There have been some people who have made me feel like I was drowning, sucking the air out of my lungs. But as Taylor Swift so perfectly describes, 'By morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean'

And I think I am. I think I am finally clean.

Love, Nicole Marie

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Some people care, some don't

'The best revenge is massive success' - Frank Sinatra

There comes a point in your life when you have to decide who are your real friends and who aren't. To decide who cares and who doesn't.

I have recently come to this point as graduating high school has opened my eyes. Once you leave school you discover who you were never really friends with at all. Along with this comes seeing who has time for you in their ever so busy lives (because it's not like you have a busy life too). These people are those who are only friends with you when they need to be, for example in class, but once out of that situation you are no longer needed. I have several situations where people are friends with me or simply nice to me just to get my study notes. After they get what they want, I am nothing to them.

Truth is, most people don't care. It's harsh, but it's the truth. I have always been the type of person to put others first  however now I realise that the people who don't care about me aren't worth it. They aren't worth wasting your time on. They are looking out for themselves, so I should be too. To my disappointment there are more people who are like this than people who aren't and I have to learn not to let this effect me. It is time to focus on myself and my own life.

If you have ever been in a situation like this then start living for yourself, not other people. And don't let the people who don't care step all over you. It's time to sift through those so called friends and decipher who is there to stay and who is just passing through your life journey. Make them wish and beg to be apart of your life again when you are successful, as they say, 'success is the greatest revenge'.

Love, Nicole Marie 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Peer Pressure; Alcohol.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyways.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.

I like to think that I respect myself enough to stand by my decisions, and if I go to a party deciding not to drink or if I don't want to drink at all I will follow through. But sometimes it can be difficult. It can be difficult to stay true to yourself when you have people questioning your every decision, or in this case, 'encouraging' you to have a drink.

I personally don't see why drinking or not drinking alcohol is a big deal. To drink or not to drink is a personal decision and should be one that you make on your own. I mean when you think about it alcohol causes a lot of the worlds problems and I personally don't want to make it a problem of my own. I have no idea what type of drunk I will be and sincerely hope I never find out.

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, you will be criticised no matter what you do. For example, you don't drink; you're lame. You drink too much and people still judge you. So I say drink or don't drink just do whatever you want and that applies to most things in life. BUT, whatever you do, stay true to yourself for as long as you know that what you do is right then that is all you need.

Love, Nicole Marie

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Unknown.

“The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens. We can't be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we're not all there is. If so, we're in big trouble.” - Ellen DeGeneres

The unknown can be either scary or amazing depending on how you look at it. I mean thinking about what else is out there scares the bejeezus
 out of me but I still think it is wickedly cool. I just watched the movie 'I am number four' (Alex Pettyfer officially takes the award for hottest guy on earth) and it made me think about what's really out there.

The possibilities are endless! There could be life in other galaxies and planets with other people just like us (or they could be aliens and not like us at all). My point being that in comparison to what is out there, we are so small. I am one girl in Australia, which is only one country in our world and only one planet out of nine (yes I still count pluto) which is only one galaxy out of many in the universe...

We are so small.

Seeing as I have realised how small I am in comparison to the world, my goals have changed. If I can make a positive influence on at least one persons life then that is enough. So use the fear of how small you are to influence one other persons life and therefore we will create a chain effect of positive influences. That way we will all be apart of something bigger, something beautiful.

I always seem to get really deep in my blog posts but hey this is my 'thinking chamber'. Anyway I'll leave you all with your thoughts about aliens and the universe.

Love, Nicole Marie