Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Some people care, some don't

'The best revenge is massive success' - Frank Sinatra

There comes a point in your life when you have to decide who are your real friends and who aren't. To decide who cares and who doesn't.

I have recently come to this point as graduating high school has opened my eyes. Once you leave school you discover who you were never really friends with at all. Along with this comes seeing who has time for you in their ever so busy lives (because it's not like you have a busy life too). These people are those who are only friends with you when they need to be, for example in class, but once out of that situation you are no longer needed. I have several situations where people are friends with me or simply nice to me just to get my study notes. After they get what they want, I am nothing to them.

Truth is, most people don't care. It's harsh, but it's the truth. I have always been the type of person to put others first  however now I realise that the people who don't care about me aren't worth it. They aren't worth wasting your time on. They are looking out for themselves, so I should be too. To my disappointment there are more people who are like this than people who aren't and I have to learn not to let this effect me. It is time to focus on myself and my own life.

If you have ever been in a situation like this then start living for yourself, not other people. And don't let the people who don't care step all over you. It's time to sift through those so called friends and decipher who is there to stay and who is just passing through your life journey. Make them wish and beg to be apart of your life again when you are successful, as they say, 'success is the greatest revenge'.

Love, Nicole Marie