Monday, June 6, 2016

Life Hacks: School/Health Edition

I am extremely happy to announce that this will be my first collaboration on my blog! This post is in collaboration with Kaila, one of my absolute favourite bloggers. I hope to be doing many more collaborations in the future (and definitely more with Kaila). Click here to read Kaila's post for some more life hacks!

1. Oranges

The smell alone of oranges can reduce stress! This is perfect for the stressful time of semester leading up to exams or just any other time of year that you feel stress getting to you. It has been found that eating OR smelling an orange can reduce stress by up to 70%.

2. Headaches

Have a headache? Eat 10-12 almonds which is equivalent to taking 1 aspirin. This fact is still up for debate however it seems to work pretty well for me! 

3. Blue Over Black

Studies have shown that you are more likely to remember things that you have written in blue ink than in black! It may be worth switching out your black pens for blue ones during your study time. 

4. Power Write

Are you a slow writer? Do you always struggle to finish exams? I have the solution! Sticky tape 1-2 used batteries on the back of your pen. Use this pen during class or when you study to boost the muscles in your hand. By the time you make it to the exam and take the batteries off, you will be speed writing!

5. Scents

Spray an unfamiliar scent while you are studying. Spray it again before you take the test and it will jog your memory! Smell is one of the most powerful trigger so you may as well use it!

6. Marshmallow

Are you starting to feel a tickle in your throat? Eat marshmallows! The gelatin coats and soothes throat pain AND gives you a yummy treat.

7. Post-it To-Do

Make a DIY post-it note to-do list to keep yourself organised. It's super easy, all you need is paper, pens, post-it notes and a bit of artistic ability (hopefully you have more than me... haha).

8. Youtube Repeat

Right click on the youtube video you are playing and click 'loop' for an automatic repeat of the video! This one was a lifesaver for me.

9. Go Bra-less!

*inappropriate image*

Studies show that sleeping without a bra can improve the quality of your sleep by up to 95%. This is great for those suffering with insomnia (like me).

I know, I know. This isn't much of a life hack BUT deep breathing is essentially a massage for your internal organs. Just deep breathing for a few minutes a day can improve your whole bodies circulation.

Kaila's Post
Kaila's Blog

- Nicole Marie Ranz

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is great life hacks especially the two about oranges and almonds. Learn something new all the time:) Thanks and appreciate u reading my Blog as well
